Pivot Animator Download

Pivot Animator Download

Pivot Animator Download

Pivot Animator Version 4.1.10 [ Bono ] - Kami akan memberikan sebuah software pembuat aimator ... Berikut pengertiannya ...

Pivot makes it quick and easy to make simple animations. The animation can be saved as an AVI video, animated gif, sequence of images or a native file so that they can be edited later. You can also build your own stick figures, save them and include them in your animation.

Jika sudah baca pengertiannya berikut fitur di dalam software nya ...

- Everything in Pivot 2 and Pivot 3 beta plus bug fixes
- Transparency / opacity
- All handles drawn on top of figures so you can move them easier
- Edit area surrounding the animation area to make it easier to move objects off screen
- Duplicate figure button
- Multi-figure select
- Change the length of segments in the animation by holding Ctrl while dragging
- Change scale and rotate whole figure by holding Alt while dragging
- Pan and zoom and rotate all (by selecting all figures)
- Improved figure selector and background selector (shows images in a list)
- Split segment button in figure builder
- Delete a segment even if it has segments joined to it's end or delete a whole branch
- Copy and paste multiple frames
- In figure builder, set circle to filled or not filled or white filled
- Change where the orange handle is in the figure builder
- Improved gif options (dithering)
- Avi video export support
- Join figures together (for creating multi-coloured figures or for holding weapons, etc)
- PNG support for backgrounds and sprites and export as images
- Press delete key for deleting figure or segment in figure builder - plus other shortcuts
- Figure order buttons; hold ctrl key to send 1 back or 1 front
- Improved Gif export quality
- Multiple languages
- Multiple-onion skins
- Undo / redo button with multiple levels of undo
- Improved handle sizes
- Save figures in the Pivot 2 format
- < and > step through frames
- Change the background or repeat frame number in multiple frames
- Preview of STK files when loading

Nah kan sudah baca yang di atas itu , sekarang mari kita download file software nya di bawah ini ..
Pivot Animator Version 4.1.10 [ Bono ]

Sekian yang bisa saya sampaikan Wassalamualaikum Warrah matullahi wabarakatuh ...

Selamat berkreasi :D
mas andes

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